Drew, this is an integration partner that we have to connect to... not
another internal machine.  This partner wants to do as little work (because
they have not been given a budget to integrate, but have been given a
mandate to integrate) in order to integrate with us.  This partner would not
want to provide an additional db license/security etc for this effort.

Joe, all of the above applies to DSO as well.  Using DSO would require they
this partner purchase and configure it as well.  Even if they already owned
DSO, it can be pretty complicated to implement and would probably require a
lot of work on their part... which we have know has to be at a minimum.

That's why EIE was chosen.  I done plenty of integrations with 3rd party
products so I understand the basics.  All of the marketing material says
that it can be used to integrate with another Remedy server as well... it's
just not clearly defined how to set up that data exchange.

Anyway.. hope that answers some of the questions so far.


On 5/21/08, Joe DeSouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> **  Wouldn't DSO be the more ideal solution for moving Remedy data accross
> two Remedy servers? Why EIE?
> Joe
>  ----- Original Message ----
> From: Marc Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:28:59 AM
> Subject: EIE questions
> ** Hi List,
> I need to use EIE to synchronize data between 2 Remedy servers.  All of the
> EIE (7.X) documentation explains how to move data between 1 Remedy server
> and some other 3rd party application... usually a database or flat file.
> Does anyone have any experience configuring data exchanges that moves data
> between 2 Remedy servers?
> Thanks in advance for the help.
> --
> Marc Simmons
> Remedy Administrator
> "Everyday above ground is a good day... the rest is a choice!"
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Marc Simmons
Remedy Administrator

"Everyday above ground is a good day... the rest is a choice!"

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