Hello Listers,
ARS 7.6.04 SP1
Windows 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition SP2 (Virtual Machine)
Everything is installed as 32 bit.
SQL Server 2005 is on a remote machine

I am trying to install the Email Engine (7.6.04 SP1) and I don't get the AR
System Email xxx forms loaded to the system. I also have a situation where
the domain that hosts our ARSystem Server does not have a mail server.
There is a port (25) open through the firewall to allow sendmail to connect
to a Unix mail forwarding server.
Since the OS is Windows I'm not sure what I need to do to get the outgoing
email to send mail if there is no MS Exchange server to access.
I just did an uninstall of the Email Engine and will try to re-install it


John J. Reiser 
Remedy Developer/Administrator 
Senior Software Development Analyst 
Lockheed Martin - MS2 
The star that burns twice as bright burns half as long. 
Pay close attention and be illuminated by its brilliance. - paraphrased by

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