mowestusa wrote:
> Thanks for your fast response Stuart.
> I agree that if I correct the errors that you found
> when you validated, that might fix the issues. But
> like I thought, I would have to become a CSS guru,
> which I am not. My web coding days go back to the HTML
> 3.2 time, which one can tell by my terrible code in my
> table that creates my header.
> By fixing a few of the obvious mistakes that I made, I
> have basically reduced it down to two issues in regard
> to validation.
> If I validate on XHTML 1.1 Strict then it has 12
> errors. You can see the resulting xhtml at:
> However, if I validate against XHTML 1.0 Transitional
> I only have one error.
> I don't have a <title></title> in the header, which I
> can't figure out how to do in Asciidoc without messing
> up my header table and the look of the page.
> The other 11 errors from XHTML 1.1 Strict had to do
> with things that should be corrected with proper CSS.
> I assume the only way I could do that is by altering
> the asciidoc default CSS templates, which is something
> I did not want to do because I'm not a CSS guru.
> All that being said I did find the offending code. It
> was in the <table> element. I had used align="left"
> which is a no no in XHTML 1.1 Strict. Once I took that
> out it now displays well in IE and Firefox. I still
> have the other 10 errors that could be fixed with
> proper CSS and the missing <title> error, but I'm
> unsure how to fix those without getting myself into
> things I don't understand well.
> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Any
> more direction would be appreciated, like good CSS
> books or free online tutorials, or other ideas on
> simple changes to my code or the default templates of
> asciidoc.

I use 3 indispensable tools: Firefox plus the Web Developer addin and 
the Firebug addin. Here's how I (try) to work:

- After any changes I validate the the local XHTML file at W3 using Web 
Developer (Ctrl+Shift+A). I also use xmllint(1) in my build scripts for 
gross validation checks.

- Once I've got valid code I turn to the CSS -- I've found the Firebug 
Inspect command really valuable for learning about CSS and visualizing 
exactly what's going on (without it CSS makes my brain hurt).

- Finally I turn to non-conforming browsers (IE6 I'm talking about you) 
and try to devise any necessary work-arounds.

> mowestusa
> --- Stuart Rackham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> mowestusa wrote:
>>> I have attached the offending txt file before it
>> is
>>> run through Asciidoc 8.1.0 on Fedora 7. I have
>> also
>>> attached the resulting html file.
>>> Basically, I'm trying to use Asciidoc to create my
>>> whole website from text files that I edit, and
>> then
>>> generate static pages from. I have put together a
>> nice
>>> header (in my opinion) that stays the same at the
>> top
>>> of every page with the links for navigating my
>> simple
>>> site.
>>> Everything looks fantastic in Firefox and
>> Konqueror.
>>> In IE this annoying issue occurs where the title
>> of
>>> the section (in the example it is "Vim Plugin for
>>> Writers") looks wrong. IE puts part of the title
>> on
>>> the right side of the header table that I created
>>> inside the code section that is simply inserted
>> into
>>> the resulting html file at the beginning.
>>> Without become a CSS god, is there a way to fix
>> this
>>> in IE. The only way I have found to do this is to
>> add
>>> "<p>&nbsp;</p>" 4 times in the code section after
>> my
>>> table, but that looks terrible in Firefox and
>>> Konqueror.
>> The page is not valid XHTML (the W3 validator turned
>> up 23 errors), 
>> before doing anything else fix your header so it
>> generates valid markup.
>>> Thanks,
>>> mowestusa
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Mowestusa's Free and Open Under the Steeple
>>> Putting Free and Open Source Software to Work in
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>>> HOME <index.html>     BLOG <blog.html>     HOW TO
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>>>     VIM Plug in for Writers
>>> *Written by mowestusa - 2007-02-14 10:25*
>>> On the download page you can find a new file. It
>> is a plug in file for 
>>> VIM. This file makes it easier to use VIM as a
>> tool for writing long 
>>> prose documents. It re-maps the arrow keys to
>> behave in the way you 
>>> would expect if you were using a Word processor,
>> and it sets the word 
>>> wrap on in VIM. I add it to every installation of
>> VIM on all of my 
>>> computers.
>>> I did not come up with this idea on my own. After
>> searching for a long 
>>> long time, I found this post from 2002 which gave
>> me the plug in file. 
>>> My thanks to the original author. Link to Original
>> Post 
> <>
>>> Last updated 10-Sep-2007 18:04:23 EDT
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Cheers, Stuart

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