Well, last night I decided to finally do this right.
No matter what I did I could not get my header to look
right and get everything to validate under xhtml 1.1
Strict. So I decided that I would look into Stuart's
script that he uses to build the Asciidoc website.

After a few issues that I was able to figure out, I
got my site to use the same script with some changes.
I have it building my site for me now, and it works. I
have a nice looking site (of course looks very similar
to the Asciidoc site) and everything validates now.

Thanks for all of the help, and direction. I would
like to say thank you to Stuart, you have created some
really nice default CSS that looks nice as a website.
Thanks for the hints about Firebug and Web Developer,
I have been using them today to get things tidy.
Thanks for a great program, that let people like me
focus more on my writing and less on managing a
website and creating attractive documents for the web.

You can see the valid result at:



--- Stuart Rackham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> mowestusa wrote:
> > Wow, great stuff. Thanks again, this is good
> advice
> > that I will put to work. Any thoughts on including
> a
> > <title></title> in the asciidoc source text file,
> > which  will properly go into the <head></head>?
> (From
> > reading the docs it looks like I need a First
> level
> > title, but is there any way to put it in without
> > having it show visibly on the page as a title or
> > section?
> You could drop the level 0 pass the doctitle
> attribute on the 
> command-line with e.g. -a doctitle="Foo Bar"
> > 
> > 
> > --- Stuart Rackham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> I use 3 indispensable tools: Firefox plus the Web
> >> Developer addin and 
> >> the Firebug addin. Here's how I (try) to work:
> >>
> >> - After any changes I validate the the local
> >> file at W3 using Web 
> >> Developer (Ctrl+Shift+A). I also use xmllint(1)
> in
> >> my build scripts for 
> >> gross validation checks.
> >>
> >> - Once I've got valid code I turn to the CSS --
> I've
> >> found the Firebug 
> >> Inspect command really valuable for learning
> about
> >> CSS and visualizing 
> >> exactly what's going on (without it CSS makes my
> >> brain hurt).
> >>
> >> - Finally I turn to non-conforming browsers (IE6
> I'm
> >> talking about you) 
> >> and try to devise any necessary work-arounds.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >        
> >
> > Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
> > that gives answers, not web links. 
> >
> > 
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