At 08:46 -0700 on 12/20/2011, Steve Comstock wrote about Re: HLASM
macros in z/OS UNIX subdirectories.:

Well, it's a little hokey, and I'm not able to test it right
now, but what about having a series of 'copy' statements at
the front of your program that copy in the macro files?

That could work for outer macros (ie: Thus that you call directly)
but would not solve the issue of inner macros (ie: Those your outer
macros call). The inner macros would need to also be in the copy
list. You can do an iterative process where you create the copy
statements, try the assembly, look at the list of missing macros, add
them as copys, and try again until there are no more missing macro
errors. It might be simpler to do a PRINT OFF, COPY statements, and
PRINT ON with one COPY for each macro in your directory. This might
cause the Assembler to choke on all the macros however.

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