I went looking for the PDFs for the High Level Assembler and was surprised at how hard they were to find...

I started at "z/OS Internet Library" (https://www-40.ibm.com/servers/resourcelink/svc00100.nsf/pages/zosInternetLibrary?OpenDocument).

From there I selected "V2R3" from "Download books in PDF format". That took me to: https://www-40.ibm.com/servers/resourcelink/svc00100.nsf/pages/zOSV2R3Library?OpenDocument.

Then under "Elements and Features" there is a nice, pretty drop down for "+ HLASM" which lists the "-08" editions of the Reference and Programmer's Guide".

So far, so good.

BUT I'm looking for the new "-09" editions mentioned in APAR PH39324 (https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apar/PH39324).

So, I tried following the same process for z/OS "V2R4" and for "V2R5",
only to discover that there is no dropdown for "+ HLASM"! WTH?????

So I have two questions:

1) Why are HLASM manuals available only if you know the secret of looking under z/OS V2R3?
2) Where are the latest and greatest -09 editions?

I'm asking for a friend.

David Cole
President, ColeSoft

dbc...@gmail.com (personal)
dbc...@colesoft.com (business)
540-456-6518 (cell)

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