
Of course, what you said about the LQ type of DC is true, and I too
have used LQ data types in some of my code too.  However, the
SECTALGN requirement is a bit of an issue when assembling code with
2**3 (double word) section alignment and which also contains DSECTs
which map quad word aligned storage areas.  I've had to resort to
schemes like what is shown below (I hope the list server doesn't
mangle the sample listing too badly).

The reason(s) for still having double word aligned sections is (are)
a bit lost in antiquity -- inertia is a powerful thing :)

: D-Loc   Object Code     Stmt   Source Statement
:00000000                    1 SAMPLE   DSECT ,
:                            2          PRINT ON,DATA
:00000000 00000010           3 REF      DC    A(QUADITEM)
:00000004 00                 4 BYTE     DC    AL1(0)
:                            5 * 
:00000005 0000000000000000   6          DC 
:0000000D 000000
:                            7 * Round up to a Quad Word
:                            8 * boundary.
:                            9 *
:00000010 0000000000000000  10 QUADITEM DC    XL16'00'
:00000018 0000000000000000
:                           11          END   ,

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