On 29 August 2012 10:01, Roland Mainz <roland.ma...@nrubsig.org> wrote:
> [Forwarding email since somehow the ast-developers@ list has issues
> with postings from Olga's address... ;-( ]
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: ольга крыжановская <olga.kryzhanov...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 7:36 AM
> Subject: Fwd: Per thread open(), stat(), rename() and so on, and *at() API
> To: Roland Mainz <roland.ma...@nrubsig.org>
> Wenn du wach bist schick es bitte nochmal an
> ast-developers@research.att.com. Meine mail ist im spam-filter
> hangengeblieben.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: ольга крыжановская <olga.kryzhanov...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 6:54 AM
> Subject: Per thread open(), stat(), rename() and so on, and *at() API
> To: Glenn Fowler <g...@research.att.com>, David Korn
> <d...@research.att.com>, Phong Vo <k...@research.att.com>
> Cc: ast-developers@research.att.com
> Glenn, I have an alternative for your per thread open(), stat(),
> rename() and so on API plans:
> Instead of creating AST wrapper code for open(), stat(), rename() and
> so we could use the following macros, defined in <ast/fcntl.h>:
> ------------------cutme------------------------
> #define unlink(path)
> unlinkat(AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD(), (path), 0)
> #define rmdir(path)
> (path), AT_REMOVEDIR)
> #define chown(path, uid,
> gid)            fchownat(AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD(), (path), (uid), 
> (gid),
> 0)
> #define lchown(path, uid, gid)
>         fchownat(AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD(), (path), (uid), (gid),
> #define stat(path, sb)                  
> (path), (sb), 0)
> #define lstat(path, sb)                 
> (path), (sb), AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)
> #define rename(oldname,
> newname)        renameat(AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD(), (oldname),
> #define access(path,
> amode)          faccessat(AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD(), (path), (amode), 0)
> #define eaccess(path,
> amode)          faccessat(AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD(), (path), (amode),
> #define mkdir(path, amode)              
> (path), (amode))
> #define mkfifo(path, amode)
> (path), (amode))
> #define mknod(path, amode,
> adev)   mknodat(AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD(), (path), (amode),
> (adev))
> #define readlink(path, buf,
> bufsize)        readlinkat(AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD(), (path), (buf),
> (bufsize))
> #define symlink(oldpath, newpath)       symlinkat((oldpath),
> ------------------cutme------------------------
> AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD() would be defined to be a preprocessor
> macro, which will be a function returning the current thread's cwd fd;
> if there is none allocated for this thread yet it will be done by
> within that function, using open(".", O_search).
> However, consumers of the <ast/fcntl.h> header are _free_ to redefine
> this macro, for example src/cmd/ksh93/include/defs.h could define
> #define AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD() (shp->pwdfd)
> This would, at least, save the function call overhead, and finally
> make use of (shp->pwdfd) as it was intended.
> What do you think? It would make things easier for you to implement,
> i.e. you only have to implement the per thread
> AST_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_CWD_FD(), and applications are free to use the
> *at() API if they wish to.

What do you intend to do for platforms which do not have the POSIX
openat() and friends API? Old Solaris, old Linux comes in mind (not
that I care about any OS older than four years)...

Cedric Blancher <cedric.blanc...@googlemail.com>
Institute Pasteur

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