Glenn, I tried the work around on Suse 12.2, and it failed with this error:

+ mv 1.22479.x 
+ mamake -C lib/libcmd -k install
mamake [lib/libcmd]:
10: cc^M: command not found
mamake: *** exit code 1 making lib/libcmd
+ mamake -C cmd/ksh93 -k install

It looks, that the Mamfile file has extra ^M characters inside, which
confuse the ksh used.


On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 11:33 PM, Glenn Fowler <> wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Oct 2012 21:18:36 +0200 Cedric Blancher wrote:
>> On 6 October 2012 09:31, Glenn Fowler <> wrote:
>> >
>> > ast ksh 2012-10-04 alpha source packages have been posted to
>> >
>> >
>> > this alpha includes { grep xargs iconv } as ksh static builtins
>> > any b_*() function added to src/lib/libcmd will automatically be added as 
>> > a ksh static builtin
>> I managed to build this but ./arch/linux.i386-64/bin/ksh -c 'builtin |
>> grep -F /' doesn't report anything - no grep, no cmp, no od, no tail
>> or head.
>> I checked and cmdlist.h contains garbage:
> I don't know how it ended up with garbage
> but I did find a problem with the Makefile (and thus the generated Mamfile 
> used to bootstrap build)
> until the next alpha try this
> rm arch/linux.i386-64/src/lib/libcmd/cmdext.h
> rm arch/linux.i386-64/src/lib/libcmd/cmdlist.h
> copy the attached Mamfile to
>         src/lib/libcmd/Mamfile
> and then run
>         bin/package make
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