xavier.bestel at free.fr (Xavier Bestel):
> I'm using hostapd 0.6.9 + kernel 2.6.31 on debian, and it works like
> charm

I'm trying to do this too, but it isn't working.  Anyone can give a
clue what is wrong?

I'm using on Fedora 12 and have built hostapd 0.6.9 for it.
I try to connect to this AP from a Nintendo Wii.  When the Wii scans
for networks, it does find my ssid.  But when doing a "connection
test" it fails.

Running hostapd with -dd flags, it repeatedly writes this during the

    unknown vendor specific information element ignored (vendor OUI 00:10:18 
    STA 00:23:31:70:a6:d8 sent probe request for our SSID
    MGMT (TX callback) ACK
    mgmt::proberesp cb

The MAC adress 00:23:31:70:a6:d8 is the address of the Wii, so there
is clearly some kind of communication going on.  But something is
still not working.  A clue, anyone?

The complete output from hostapd is available at
and my hostapd configuration at

I had a very similar setup working some time ago using the madwifi
driver.  But I can't seem to get it up with tha ath5k driver now.
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