Tim Bray wrote:
> I'm getting increasingly grumpy and "just fail" is looking better and 
> better.  The current normative text, "The element's content MUST be  an
> IRI", is clear and simple and supported by other well-understood 
> normative text, supported by lots of interoperable software, that  make
> the meanings of "element", "content", and "IRI" not really open  to
> intelligent dispute.  I claim that text enjoyed strong, not rough, 
> consensus support from the WG.
> So my preferred course of action would be to leave it the way it  bloody
> well is.  [...]
> So for now, I'm -1 on an weakening or removing "The element's content 
> MUST be an IRI" or analogous text in any other section. I'll stop 
> shouting if I'm in a small minority here.  -Tim

Fine by me. However, "extraneous whitespace will cause compliant
software to puke" needs to be said, not inferred. I don't believe the
text here is as broadly obvious or as well-understood as you suggest.


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