A. Pagaltzis wrote:

I suggest simply the following: in 4.2.6 (The "atom:id" Element),


   Its content MUST be an IRI, as defined by [RFC3987].

to read:

   Its content MUST be an IRI, as defined by [RFC3987], and MUST
   NOT contain any whitespace.

It doesn’t change anything, it just says the same thing more

I'm not convinced that we need "MUST NOT contain any whitespace". How about something along the lines of:

"Its content MUST be an ..., and SHOULD NOT contain any whitespace. Software written to conform to this version of the specification MUST remove all leading and trailing whitespace that happens to appear in the value."

Ok, so the wording can be cleaned up a bit, but you get the point. With this language, the validator can flag a warning if whitespace does appear but conformant parsers can be written to handle cases when whitespace does appear. This also shifts the burden of ensuring correct handling of whitespace to the feed reader rather than the feed producer which is significantly better IMHO.

In addition, the same minimal change should be applied to

* 3.2.2 (The "atom:uri" Element)
* 3.2.3 (The "atom:email" Element)
* 3.3 (Date Constructs)
* 4.2.5 (The "atom:icon" Element)
* 4.2.8 (The "atom:logo" Element)

which all contain either a URI, an ISO date, or an email address.


- James

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