On 12/1/06, James M Snell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You're right that the differentiation in the content-type is of less
importance but without it there's no way for me to unambiguously
indicate that a resource has both an Atom Feed representation and an
Atom Entry representation.

I can see that it's possible to have two different representations for the
same resource (GData does this too) but a key question is whether they have
the same relation (semantic meaning/purpose relative to the linking
content).   In your earlier example, they did not (subscription vs. edit).

The best I could do is say "This things has
two Atom representations".  Keep in mind that I want to be able to
differentiate the types of alternate representations available without
having to look at any of the other rel keywords.

Can you explain why you want this?   I'm not trying to be relentless I just
want to make sure I'm not missing something important while pushing back.

-- Kyle

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