Re: Preventing me to rent a house because of my guide dog

@Seb2314, first, good you got the house in the end and things worked out legally. It sounds like Canida is the same as the Uk for this, ie, people could be prosecuted for preventing you doing something normal like rent a house with a dog, so hurrah.
On not wanting the house though I have my own story to tell. 

Back when I had just finished my gcse's and was looking for a place to go to take my a levels, (staying where I was just wasn't! happening), I went to the school my brother went to.
the head of year did everything he could to prevent me going short of actually refusing. I was told I couldn't take English because they had 19 people in a class and there wouldn't be a spare chair, I was told I couldn't take three subjects and that I couldn't go to university,  the head of year was adamant getting around the school would be difficult etc.
My brother fortunately, who'd been there for 7 years and who was partial ly sighted (read large print), basically wasn't having it, so I finished up going under threat of force.

One year later, when I'd had no problems at all and for various other reasons was looking at staying for an extra year doing a subject, the head of yearactually invited me to discuss things, clearly with the vision of me going to university (something he'd previously denied). He streight out said "I envisaged a lot of problems that didn't come up" and appologised, and we were on the best of terms ever sinse.

Now, as the head of year he never taught me, most of his job was admin. However, the fact that he did! go from very much not wanting to come, using every excuse he could to appologising does show something.
Things can! work sometimes if people are willing to change their minds, indeed guide dogs are very good at doing their own pr (I have friends who say "I don't usually like dogs but I like Reever").

So I'd personally recommend Explaining to the lady that guide dogs won't make a mess in the house, are very well trained, that you will see the carpets etc are clean of hair, and try and make a new start. it's entirely possible she'll also be a scuzzbag, but hay then you can move somewhere else and nobody can accuse you of not trying, however on the other hand if it works, it could be good for you, and for her and indeed for the town if the media got involved.

@Sean, I don't really see what being white or not white (which is a silly category anyway), has to do with media attention, or at least in a place where the media is supposed to be none biased as is the case in Britain.
Over here it's much more the case that disability isn't talked about than it always has to be a sob story, but that's true in any medium from news to the internet, disabled people are either helpless or heroic for facing their own helplessness and there is no in between, and blind people aren't usually talked about at all.
Still, when the thing works it works, and it's not good to look a gift horse in the mouth.

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