Re: Monthly chat november 2016

Well ... looks like I'm not gonna get shitfaced anytime soon since last time I decided to drink my sorrows away was a few weekends ago, at 4 in the morning, and I drained half a jack in one hour and ended up crying to people on skype about how horrible of a human being I was big_smile
Next day was also really... interesting. I'll spare you the grusome details though needless to say eating about 5 forks of my dinner took me probably about 20 minutes.
So while I do enjoy a glass every now and then I have settled to writing this post as I prepare my breakfast (eggs and home baked bread (it was baked yesterday)) on a plane and cold monday morning.
Also all of these parentheses really get me confused big_smile

Lord Lundin isn't really all that interesting tbh. I wish I had a much more interesting history to it. It is simply one of my sirnames (my full name being Andreas Tony Andersson Lundin).
I wanted a nice black metal nick and thought about Count Grishnak (AKA Varg Vikernes). Now obviously Count Lundin just doesn't sound right when you say it, and besides I know someone would eventually be clever and wipe the o from my name ... tongue
So thus came Lord Lundin, however saying it with an american accent makes it sound extremely dull, so everytime I say it, even though my accent is influenced mostly by americans, I always make sure to pronounce the word Lord with the well known brittish o and a increased rolling r.
And there is my story that I could've made into just one line by saying my last name is Lundin, but yeah I like to be dramatic.

Dark, I'd like to congratulate you on your marriage while at the same time giving you a symbolic middle finger.

(quote=Dark)Personally Andrias I'd advise giving up on the hole thing  (something I wish I'd done when i was eighteen).

Ultimately society just makes things  difficult for men,  since it's always men who must make the first move while  women have all the power to accept or reject, which if your shy, and still worse if your visually impared means your  pretty much without a hope.

I've fallen in love several times and most often the experience is just as you describe, feeling as if my head was exploding but unable to say  anything, even though the girls I fell for were always friends I'd spent time with, even up to last year, indeed if I could stop myself feeling that I  way I would.

of course, this might just be me and my circumstances, but still I'd advise not getting to invested in hoping  something will work out because   Hoping is wo rse in the long run.(/quote)

Edit: (how do you pull off long quotations like that? Obviously I fail)

I was right! I did tell you, don't give up!
Well as for my own success as of late, I did finish "swedish highschool" or as it's literally called over here, "gymnasium" big_smile
So I took a year's break from it all, now I'm home playing games, chilling and in fact being rather bored of it. The other day I did discuss with an older friend of mine about a possible project I might be drawn into regarding game development (he's currently trying to learn it with another friend of his he hasn't introduced me to yet)
If I get drawn into that then that'll of course take up a lot of my time and I really hope to be involved with this thing. I have the inteligence for it, and the ideas. (or as I could say: "i hav d inteligense 4 it & i hav d ideeas") big_smile
I'm solly lacking in motivation though, someone to brainstorm with.

Alright we were talking about women, sorry to get side tract with all this boring talk of game developments and my life big_smile
So at the day of my graduation, a girl named Evina (for heavens sake not to be confused with Elvina) ran up to me and started talking. We both have been working side by side in the advanced english corse so this was  nothing unusual.
Well, other than the fact that she pretty openly started flirting with me right there and then (I suspect the slight intoxication by alcohol that everyone was affected by on that day might've  helped). She complimented me on my english skills, my  improvisation skills and my looks (ooo yeah baby). She handed her phone to a friend of mine and asked him to take pictures of us as we posed with arms around one another. Then she told me she wished to see me again and had to ran out because her class (read, group of students) was called to march out for the official recognision of their graduation. Our own class followed soon.

Things did not end there, however, for a couple of months ago we went out one evening to a nice local restaurant, had an amazing  italian pizza and just talked for a few hours over a few drinks. Wonderful evening.

Currently though, she got a job in another town along with her own apartment there, so casual goings out are unlikely to happen.
Which reminds me I should probably respond to her on Facebook since last I remember we were messaging about her new job etc.

Alright that's enough with women for now, and with that I guess we end  this ... oh wait who am I kidding? big_smile

My sis is currently taking up the kitchen and while she's a nice person and all I feel sorta small when she is there (though that applies for pretty much anyone just not even my sis)

For the future, hmm, well depends what happens with my projects of course, I'm also actively seaking a music band through various websights (either to be the vocalist or drummer) . Although in the end I suspect I will be fixing up my grades next summer (yes, I spent most of my last year in highschool playing games), then moving on to university. Not exactly sure what I want to focus on, I'm interested in a lot of things, ranging from computer science, to sound management (hardly need a whole doctorand to advance in that field though I think?) ... let's see, psychology, politics ... literature, other forms of media.
I really don't want to rush blindly into something, but then agai n I think my specialty is my broad field of knowledge  rather than any particular specialisation. So that makes for ... creating the voice for a politically  influencial film script writer computer AI? ... big_smile

Speaking of computers, a few weeks ago I bought a new Laptop, and I just have to say, you go SSD! It's so fast!
Sadly the eloquence drivers for NVDA doesn't work properly (I don't know if it's due to Windows 10 in particular  or just a nitch case bug), so I'm stuck with eSpeak.

Not as of this writing though, because like an idiot, I uninstalled my audio drivers ... I'm glad I have a second computer, or actually now I have  three computers.

How do you manage to do such a stupid thing?
Well uh ... so apparently the cooperation between Asus computers and Realtech programs and drivers can cause static a nd crackling audio through the headphones which I was experiencing. I read upon it and tried to eliminate the issue.
One of the suggestions I got was to uninstall Realtech software and drivers. Of course I knew this meant  to uninstall the audio driver as well, but I assumed it would fall back on some other more basic audio driver.
Well ... I did get rid of the problem at least! No more static ... and no more sounds ... big_smile

Same friend who took pictures of me and Evina is coming over this week to have a look at it, or at least he has the time after work (I told him it's no rush).

Alright time to throw in this reply and see if my newly acquired taste for BB codes will throw some errors at me.
I do apologize but I can't be bothered to run this through a spellcheck, I'm actually amazed at the length of this post ... I haven't written something of this scale for a long time. I should though, got plenty of short stories  I started on and when I get into the writing mode it's  actually really engaging and fun.

Alright ... time for breakfast!

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