Re: An interesting scenario, thoughts?

I'm not convinced that every time someone was healed in Scripture (by Jesus, or one of the apostles) it was on that person's request... I'd have to find examples to be sure, but I believe there are times when Jesus initiates the healing.

That said, I completely agree with what you and Dark have said - that this kind of "intercession" seems more motivated by a desire for personal glory, or to demonstrate one's spirituality, than a true desire for the glory of God and the wellbeing of the person you're praying for. That's why I'd insist that if they pray for me, they do it on their own time, in private. Jesus talked about this himself (Matthew 6:5) - to paraphrase: don't pray like the hypocrites, who stand out in public and pray so that everyone can see how great they are." I think that's what's happening in a lot of these situations. I don't claim to know the hearts of these people, and I can't say tha t is always their motivation...but that's the impression I get, and it seems to be a pretty common impression among those of you who've commented, too. And if the person's heart is truly in the right, I don't think they'd mind saving their time of prayer for a more private encounter, when they can intercede on my behalf without looking like they're self-promoting. All around, it's less likely to damage their testimony, and just as likely to result in God being what's the down side?


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