Re: An interesting scenario, thoughts?

Thanks guys for all the responses so far. I knew I could trust in this community to bring a variety of different views. smile
As I think more about the incident, I realise that my main gripe isn't as such that the guy wanted to pray for my friend and I, but instead that he randomly barged into the middle of our lunch to do so; while we were simply catching up a bit after a long and tiresome day of classes. That makes me wonder if being nice in these situations are always the best thing? Can anyone be blamed if they acted impolitely at some point in the past if this happened to them? I very much doubt I'll be half as nice should this happen to me again.
The praying for my blindness thing isn't new for me either. Similar to what happened to Cinnamon, it was when I was much younger and with my parents around. Even then, when my faith in Christianity was strong, I fe lt uncomfortable afterwards. I believed, like assault_freak and fastfinge, that it was how I was made and that it's not going to change. Even today I hold to that belief to an extent. Though I must add, not even that argument deterred the guy much, as he seemed to, very firmly, believe in miracles. He told stories of how he heard (I must emphasise, he said "heard of", not "seen for himself") of instances where people were healed through prayer. I've never seen or witnessed something like this, so at this stage in my life I'm afraid I won't take such stories very seriously. Having considered it I've never heard any kind of rational explanations and all these stories are always more hearsay than anything else.
But that's just my opinion, feel free to disagree. smile


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