Re: An interesting scenario, thoughts?

My one comment to fastfinge and assault_freak: I (personally) wouldn't prohibit someone for praying for me just because I presume to know that God *wants* me to be blind. Does He allow me to be blind? Yes. Could it exist within His will for me to not be blind? Of course it could. Who am I to say for sure? Being comfortable with someone praying, "God, if it is within your will that (person) be healed, please heal (person)" is fine by me, so long as you aren't presuming that it is within God's will to do so, or suggesting that it *should* be within God's will to do so. Christ Himself modeled this kind of prayer in Gethsemane, so I don't have a problem letting someone pray as they see fit. But I'd definitely be sure that they understand, as you and I do, that our blindness is not intrinsically a bad thing. That kind of thinking comes from the wellness gospel that preaches that Jesus came to make us all happy and healthy, and that there is no pa in or hardship included in His plan for us. Which goes against basically the entirety of Scripture.

So I'm pretty much agreeing with you guys, but I do want to acknowledge the other's right to pray as he or she desires, so long as they do so in submission to God's will, whatever that may be.

Side bar - I love that this conversation includes a variety of beliefs. To those who don't believe as I do, I hope my comments don't seem like I'm trying to churchify this topic. Just remember that they're directed at those who do believe as I do. Feel free to disregard them if you will. But of course, I'm more than happy to talk about my beliefs, if you do take an interest :-)


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