> The new lavry unit (due out in a couple of weeks) buffers the incoming
> stream and effectively does away with jitter.I think there's a degree of 
> marketing BS that goes on with this stuff;
you can't easily buffer two streams that have the same nominal rate but
are asynchronous.

Think of a bucket of water, with a hole in the bottom and a tap filling
it at the top.  If you start with the bucket half full (I'm an
optimist), even if the tap is filling the bucket at exactly the same
rate as the hole is emptying it, the bucket will eventually overflow or
run dry.  In the Real World (TM), you can never get the incoming and
outgoing rate exactly the same.

There are ways round this; you could reset the buffer between songs
(difficult for a DAC), but actually, a SqueezeBox is just about the
best buffer there is, because the input rate is dynamically adjusted to
keep the buffer from under- or over- flowing.  So you don't really need
all this other BS stuff!

Patrick Dixon

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