On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 06:42 -0800, agentsmith wrote:
> pfarrell Wrote: 
> > The Benchmark has a switch on the front to select inputs, so I ran
> > both and flipped the switch. I can't hear any difference.

> Pat you seem to be one of the more knowledgeable and scientific
> audiophiles. 

Thanks, It sometimes is a curse. See "we are all engineers" on

>  I have auditioned the Benchmark DAC1 in a local showroom
> and it sounded very good to me.  However with a very good listening
> room and good system I am sure everything sounds good.

Which gets to a critical point. Audio is clearly a place where
the chain really is only as strong as the weakest link. You have
to have serious speakers and room acoustics once you start 
tweaking. Or you won't be able to tell anything. Fixing room 
acoustics while keeping the WAF is hard.

> What I am wondering is, after living with Benchmark and the SB for a
> while, what magnitute of improvements do you hear in the Benchmark Vs a
> virgin SB2? I know Sean Adams does not seem to be able to hear big
> difference in the Benchmark DAC1.  What is your opinion on this?

My opinion is that there is a significant improvement that I can hear
between my SqueezeBox 1/G direct and thru the Benchmark.

But I don't have a SB2. So I can't answer your real question.

The combination of a SB1 and Benchmark makes me happy. I've wired mine,
so the network buffer and native flac support are not an issue. 
I've got $1200 in the SB1 + Benchmark and haven't had a spare $300 to
pick up a SB2/3 

Plus I'd rather squander the money on 25 or so more CDs.


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