I got a great tip from a Toslink user, Victor Lee, at another audio forum ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). He soldered in a 0.1 uF ceramic cap between the 5V pin and the ground pin of the Toslink module of his SB1 and got much better sound. He found that there was no local filtering for the toslink transmitter of the SB1. I have SB2s and I have done the same treatment for it. The result was much smoother sound with clearer bass extension. I have no idea if the SB3 is equipped with the filtering or not, but if you are a SB3 user, you should check. I highly recommend this minor tweak to the Toslink users.

On Dec 2, 2005, at 12:58 AM, PhilNYC wrote:

ezkcdude Wrote:
So, which do you prefer? I've always heard that the coaxial output was
better than toslink.

I recently did an A/B test between a Wireworld SuperNova 5 glass
toslink cable and an Acoustic Zen Silver Byte coax digital cable and
strongly preferred the AZ Silver Byte.  Deeper soundstage, more open
sound, etc.

A friend also did the same test in his system and preferred the
Wireworld toslink; felt it had better pace and immediacy.

So...personal taste has a lot to do with it...


Sonic Spirits Inc.
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