highdudgeon;150430 Wrote: 
> Yes, I am, but I am also an honest Audiophile.  So is PhilNYC.  I can
> also sell Lavry products.  You'll notice that I am somewhat blatantly
> saying that I prefer the TP to the Lavry.  Don't bother with my posts,
> then, as I said -- read others.  The TP is extremely well received.
> The other poster has a point: with a SB3/DAC combo, you're also into it
> for a nicer PSU and a cable.

Agree again. I think you will be very pleased with a TP purchase. It is
a  noticable improvement over the SB+Lavry. Also you get an SB for a
second system.
To get this with the SB Lavry you would have to buy a second SB:

TP with SB= 2,000.00

2 SB's 600.00
Lavry  975.00
Modded elpac 145.00 (you will sacrifice a lot in sound quality w/o
cheap digital cable 35.00

total   1755.00 and still it's not as good as a TP

so it's only 245.00 more for the transporter.

For me, that's a no brainer

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