rajacat;150469 Wrote: 
> Well, I always thought that you were a Squeezebox fanboy so now I see
> that you have had hidden motives. You really need to include a
> disclosure statement in all your posts. No wonder you constantly diss
> the modding community. You must be a Lavry dealer too!  Sorta like
> insider posting on stock forums without disclosing your financial
> interests.

I'm sorry, I don't follow your logic. Why would a SD dealer have a
motive to diss the modding comunity. The modders help sell the SB and
the TP.
eg.' I can buy an Sb and mod it cheaply to be as good as a 5,000 CDP'
Pretty good PR for the SB , IMHO.
or " I can make the TP even better with the mods!" Again, another
selling point for the TP.
So a SD dealer actually has a financial incentive to suport the moding
community not the opposite.

HD's skepticism about mods actually speaks to his honesty, not the

I have gotten to know HD in private posts and find him to be a
straightforward and honest person. I don't always agree with his
opinions ,but I do respect them

tomjtx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7449
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