opaqueice;178902 Wrote: 
> Who is the one that must be obeyed?
> As for the subject of my little experiment, she listens to music all
> the time.  I don't think she would describe herself as an audiophile,
> but she cares about music, often comments when something sounds good,
> and there's nothing wrong with her hearing.
> I don't think that's the issue here - I've been an amateur musician
> since the age of 4, I have abnormally acute high-frequency hearing
> (which is sometimes a handicap), and I don't hear a difference either.

I'm not sure "amateur musician" always equates to good listening
ability.  When I was in college, I was in a rock band.  My guitarist
(amateur, but still very good...much better than my keyboard playing)
and I were listening to U2's live recording of "Bad" from the "Wide
Awake in America" EP...the live performance starts off with a
bell-like-sounding synthesizer riff;  my guitarist commented "I wish
they didn't add that synth riff, because it isn't in the original on
Unfortgettable Fire".  I looked at him somewhat in disbelief, and said
"it's clear as day in the original version."  So of course, we pull out
a copy of Unforgettable Fire and put on the track...there was the synth
track, admittedly far more in the background than the live version, but
to me it was really easy to hear.  He couldn't hear it at all.  (this
was done on a boom box using a cassette tape)


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