Kyle;189004 Wrote: 
> Phil, I'm curious to hear your opinion of the AE5's.  Have you had a
> chance to evaluate?

IMHO, they are very good for what they inexpensive and
convenient way to get decent sound from your iPod.  Compared to other
comparably-priced iPod- or computer-oriented powered speakers, they are
terrific.  From an audiophile perspective, they aren't rushing me to
sell my rig.  They offer a nice tonal balance and very good extension
for a speaker its size.  Most importantly, it's not harsh or bright,
and it's very listenable.  Hard to evaluate it's
imaging/soundstaging/etc, just because I haven't spent a lot of time
dealing with things like placement and such ( I do notice that they do
produce a stereo image with some depth, but am not going to comment on
whether it's "pinpoint" or anything silly like that)....I don't think
most people will be using them on stands and tweaking their placement
much, so I've just been listening to them with them sitting on a
bookcase (although admittedly I've put some cones under them to raise
them off the surface).

Keep in mind that my reference system is in the ball-park of $50K, and
even my small office system is around $5K, so my listening is
accustomed to that kind of sound quality.  I'm certainly not being
"blown away" by the AE5, but for casual listening, I'm impressed with
what they are doing at their price.

Hope this helps...


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