jh901 wrote: 
> It is a shame that Ralph has taken such a poor tone.  This is supposed
> to be an audiophile forum.  A sad day when the finest speakers are
> considered nothing more than overpriced pomp.  A true shame.

I don't consider speakers from high end audio manufacturers overpriced
pomp, while they are more often than not overpriced, they are never pomp
and most of them have many shortcomings. What I do take offense at from
the present state of high end audio beliefs is the insistence on
assigning analog shortcomings to things digital, e.g. generational
losses in copies and the need for expensive digital cables. When these
beliefs come from the audio press they are downright dishonest, when
these beliefs come from my fellow audiophiles then they are sadly
misinformed. The misinformation is usually the result of reading too
much of the high end audio press.

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