jh901 wrote: 
> A bit shortsighed and insulting.
I did warn you that I was sh*t-stirring.

Feel free to call me short-sighted. I *am* very myopic (-10 in the right
eye, -9 in the left).

And as for insulting: I haven't started yet. Regular readers will have
noticed that as a general rule I am very polite. But every now and then
someone gets so persistent with their insane ravings that I snap and
lash out. You, sir, have repeatedly told everyone around here that their
systems aren't good enough to appreciate a high-end DAC. You have gone
on and on about it like a scratched record. I watched with amused
detachment until I could take no more and had to call you out. Your
Diablos are not up to it. If they are so bloody marvelous why does Focal
bother to make better speakers (eg. the Scala, Grande, etc)? Your
Diablos are *bottom of the range* of a boutique audio-jewelry vendor,
and there are plenty of better speaker manufacturers out there. (To name
just a few: Meridian, PMC, B&W, Vandersteen, and last but by no means
least ATC).

My advice to you: sell your high-end DAC and buy some better speakers.
Then you might hear what decent reproduction actually sounds like.

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