jh901 wrote: 
> LOL.  I wonder some of you guys have reached adulthood yet.  Good
> grief.
> I don't care what anyone thinks about Focal, but if you believe it is a
> boutique outfit, then you are looney toons.  It is among the largest
> hi-end speaker manufacturers in the world.  I would not recommend a dCS
> Paganini or Scarlatti, etc for the Diablos.  Likewise, I wouldn't
> recommend an $8,000 CD player for a $2,000 system.  Go ahead and take it
> out of context if it makes you feel better.  
> Guess our UK friend has no regard for his hometown dCS engineers!?  How
> often is the UK #1 in designing and manufacturing anything?

I think active amplification provides several technical benefits--all
things being equal anyway.

To be fair I've heard a fair few Focal-JM/Lab speakers at shows and I've
liked them. I have liked several B&W speakers including those owned by

On the active front, I've liked Meridian. ATC and Linkwitz Orion are my
favourites so far. I admit, when it comes to loudspeakers personal taste
does come into it.

But at the end of the day line level equipment is about voltage over two
channels, quite simple by comparison, and we have very accurate ways of
measuring the absolute fidelity of line level equipment. The very wide
variety and high precision of modern measurements available for line
level equipment leads me to believe that they are a better guide than
sighted listening impressions, which are naturally subject to suggestion
or bias.

However, I'm very cautious about interpreting loudspeaker measurements.
Measuring well isn't a bad thing obviously, but I think a loudspeaker's
job is a lot more complicated than that of line level equipment and
every designer has their own take on psycho acoustics.

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