mlsstl wrote: 
> Finally, your comment is a bit confusing, as you refer to "comparing
> side-by-side two versions of the same track". I couldn't quite tell if
> you were talking about the same source where you had introduced a volume
> difference or were talking about two separate CDs where one was louder
> due to remastering. In the latter case, all bets are off in my book
> since it is quite likely that dynamics, equalization and other factors
> as well as the volume have been manipulated.

Well quite. On Spotify, if there's a selection of recordings, I pick the
quietest but only because I know that is likely to be the least
dynamically compressed. In this context, "loudness" is being associated
to dynamic compression (based on likelihoods) so it's bad.

If you are comparing two identical recordings, just playing one at
higher volume, then the higher volume one will tend to sound better
(this has been shown in DBX tests; also there is the factor of
equal-loudness contours). In this context, "loudness" means just volume
level, and more of it sounds good as long as your equipment has headroom
to spare.

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