netchord wrote: 
> well, SC is converting ALAC to FLAC using faad/sox, so i guess the
> difference I'm hearing is actually between FLAC and AIFF, both of which
> are converted natively by the TP.
> and would it surprise you to learn i hear a difference between wired and
> wireless to the TP, and prefer the former?  what ever bias might be
> involved, i assure you it's an inconvenient one- running ethernet to my
> system was a pain in the ass.

Okay, then what happens to the sound when you turn off the transcoding
to FLAC between audio stored as AIFF vs. ALAC?

No, nothing surprises me anymore such as *claims* of audibility between
WiFi and Ethernet - it is your ears, your home, your system, your
settings after all. How would I know if everything is set up properly
when you're testing? People claim a lot of things over the Internet.
What would be *useful* is if a blind test showed the difference or
measurements showing a difference and pointing to a cause. Then we can
really get somewhere.

Remember, ALAC, FLAC, APE, WV, etc. are all coded/engineered to be
bit-perfect. In a GOOD system, they SHOULD NOT sound different from
WAV/AIFF. As I suggested, to hear a difference suggests your system is
doing something funny. This is not a good thing and IMO is not
necessarily indicative of a hi-fi's resolving capacity; rather, it's
resolving enough to show a hardware limitation in decoding lossless
compressed audio data which should be trivial!

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