netchord wrote: 
> well, SC is converting ALAC to FLAC using faad/sox, so i guess the
> difference I'm hearing is actually between FLAC and AIFF, both of which
> are converted natively by the TP.
> and would it surprise you to learn i hear a difference between wired and
> wireless to the TP, and prefer the former?  what ever bias might be
> involved, i assure you it's an inconvenient one- running ethernet to my
> system was a pain in the ass.

Well, if you're happy to simply set up your system in the way that you
*think* sounds best for you, then fine. Just get on with enjoying the
music. It's a free country, as we say. But if you are at all interested
in understanding *why* you perceive these effects (and on one level you
must be, otherwise you wouldn't be posting on the internet about it),
you owe it to yourself to consider (and research, if necessary) the
science, both electrical and psychological, with an open mind. You
really will get nowhere without doing that.

Even if you limit yourself to a serious consideration of the few most
recent threads on this forum, you will find enough food for thought, and
references, for you to begin understanding the possible mechanisms for
your subjective experiences.

To summarise (perhaps crudely) the most likely possibilities (not
necessarily in order):

1. Psychological factors
2. There is something broken in your replay chain
3. You are not comparing like with like (different masters, for example)

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