Nice video of a talk at CIRMMT Distinguished Lectures in Sound and
Technology in Music - May 2015 (McGill University).

Good discussion of speaker measurements and matching of "subjective
measurements" with the objective.

12:00 - chart of blind test vs. sighted test
14:00 - more influence from sighted listening
16:30 - "imagined differences between speaker wires", "complete
21:00 - ability to listen "through" rooms; differentiate room from
speaker contributions
28:00 - importance of off-axis performance (KEF 105.2) and room
32:00 - importance of position and "corruption of all bass frequencies
in small rooms"
34:30 - importance of better loudspeaker (rather than just EQ)
36:30 - "cold scientific measures" can correlate numbers with perceived
38:00 - interesting comments on "room equalization", transition
frequency, contributions of speakers vs. room
42:00 - complexity of measurements of rooms - live production vs.
reproduction, importance of hardware & software
44:00 - "Science in the service of art is our business."
45:30 - "Variable recordings" due to "circle of confusion" with poor
speakers in control rooms.
48:00 - Consumer Reports reviews meaningless - "doing it wrong"
50:00 - 0.86 correlation between objective anechoic data and subjective
evaluation of 70 speakers
51:00 - Consumer Reports vs. their tests!
52:00 - "Audiophile" $2000 speakers put through the test... Flatter and
smoother better.
53:30 - "Whose opinion can we trust" - only selected with normal hearing
then trained, then retail sales people, then audio reviewers
56:00 - Relative ranking between groups still good (so long as we know
what we're listening to)
57:00 - "Olive's predictive algorithm" - flat, constant radiation
pattern, no resonance, 1/20-octave better than 1/3-octave, bass
performance 30% of subjective
1:00:00 - can we predict quality from manufacturer's specs? 
1:02:00 - speakers are minimum phase devices - explanation. Active
speakers is the "future".
1:03:00 - point of diminishing returns in speaker quality, example of
$1800 good and $11,000 bad electrostatic speaker
1:05:00 - $24000/pair example... "Meets spec but no prizes",
"Disappointing at the price"; then $16000 +/- 1dB speaker (discussion
about consistency, esp small companies)
1:09:00 - sound today "way better" than 10 years ago and certainly 20
years ago... due to measurements, standardization
1:10:00 - importance of the recording, measuring neutrality
1:12:00 - measurement of JBL M2 in different rooms (transition zone

Clearly all the stuff we argue about are relatively small potatoes
compared to speaker / room issues...

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