jkeny wrote: 
> Despite these two aspects, the plots of the 5V power out of the Regen
> show it is far cleaner than the Vbus - maybe you are forgetting about
> the voltage reg?
> As I said, the 5V does account for some proportion of the improvements &
> as I also said, I'm interested in finding out how said USB signal
> improvements may be audibly improving the analogue out signal.
> I could give you my conjecture but I feel it is only going to start the
> usual tit-for-tat argument so I'm happy for you to have your beliefs & I
> mine  

Okay, maybe...

> Well, I guess you either think he is mistaken or lying. I doubt either &
> trust his experience

Don't know the guy and have no reason to automatically think anyone's
lying so will go with the "probably mistaken" option for now unless
reasons show up otherwise.

> Funny, I've asked the same question to BE78, another believer in
> measurements & he gave almost exactly the same answer - that being a
> roundabout way of saying "no, I've never heard a difference that I
> couldn't measure as being in the audible region on analogue out"
> Do you measure first & then listen, I wonder?

Nope, I generally listen first then measure. For example, the recent
Light Harmonic Geek Out V2 isn't much to look at but I did listen 1st
and posted positive initial impressions then did the measurements which
ended up indeed being excellent. I've tried for years to listen for
difference between WAV vs. FLAC, silver vs. copper interconnects, or
different SPDIF cables... Never noticed a difference and was overall
"happy" with generic cables and bitperfect software. Admittedly I felt
insecure and perhaps even envious about this since all these other
audiophiles seem to be experiencing something I wasn't. The strange
thing was I thought my hearing was better than many because I could hear
anomalies and helped a few fix problems (like one of them was listening
to his music all along using MP3 transcoding!). This is all before even
bothering to measure anything.

> Have you listened to one?

To the Regen, no, not yet. I will if/when a friend gets his. Like I
said, I'm not too interested given the lack of rationale for this to
make much if any difference... Been around too long since the days of
trying to cryo cables and green pens for CDs to keep trying unlikely
stuff based on pure testimony.

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