Archimago wrote: 
>  Beyond that, I agree, there is no value in much of the subjective
> reviews out there when it comes to adjudicating sound quality.
> I think what is fascinating is how seriously the subjective reviewers
> take themselves and their opinions.
I think that part of the problem is that there is an entire bogus
conceptual scheme built around the audiophile hobby about the nature of
hearing and the listening process. Once it is acquired it is quite
difficult to "un-learn". 

In essence it is based around a set of tacit assumptions that human
beings are a sort of sound quality detection advice and that
fluctuations in one's listening experience must be caused by variations
in the sound pressure waves reaching the ears. On this model thinking
that two things sound different is like thinking you can see someone
else in the room- a perceptually based conclusion which can only be
mistaken as a result of extraordinary disturbance of the  perceptual
system/hallucination etc. The curiosity is that even the most
superficial acquaintance with the basics of perceptual science would
immediately uncover this conceptual error. I have noticed that even some
very smart people in the industry (some of them engineers and scientists
in other disciples) seem to lack any curiosity about how perception

It is quite difficult to persuade people with so little intellectual
curiosity to rethink their position as to what it may mean to say that
measurements "can't explain" what they hear. 

One could go on, but the gist of it is that the level of understanding
of perceptual science required to see through the entire subjectivist
canon is about the same as the level of understanding of physics
required to understanding that cartoon characters do not obey newtonian

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