pablolie wrote: 
> ...I had no idea that digital recording pollution had started as early!
> I present the following little experiment I have gone for over the years
> with one of my favorite recordings ever.
> 24411
> One version is a 320k CBR rip from the original CD, the second the
> HDtracks download, supposedly from the "previously undiscovered,
> cryogentically-frozen and kept-in-a-vacuum master tape". F__k me if I
> can ever hear a difference.  And I've listened to it on $4k headphones
> (not mine), spending an utterly unenjoyable hour trying to convince
> myself I *had* to hear a difference. I've done the same experiment, only
> comparing a 16/44 and a 24/192 of very well recorded, 2000-ish albums,
> much to the same result. Maybe *there* I'd be able to detect a
> difference between the 320 and 16/44 version, but it's not one I'd
> particularly care for other than for archiving purposes. And I
> supposedly can still hear up to 17kHz, so it's not like I have deafened
> myself over the years. 
> And now that it's easy to score $2 CDs in the used market, I've
> rediscovered the joy of roaming around in a music store on a weekend.
> Vintage CD stores, who would've thought! :-D

Oh no... -Say it ain't so!!!- Yet another "audiophile" who can't hear
the difference between MP3 and lossless! Even though your audiophile
membership has been revoked, it's good to hear your honesty :rolleyes:.

I guess as long as the public still pays money for the so-called "hi-res
version", it'll be made available no matter the provenance; including
all those ancient recordings with no real hope of achieving any benefit
from a high-res transfer. Despite the brave face and ongoing showing at
CES 2018 from the "High Resolution Audio" supporters, clearly the
mainstream isn't biting this year with essentially no coverage except
for the special interest groups (those places that still think MQA is
somehow a good idea!).

The Industry seriously needs to wake up. Even if ultimately 99.7564% of
listeners would not be able to tell a difference, at least if they're
going to sell hi-res recordings, let it be genuine product...

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