On April 4, 2018 5:32 PM, Doug Newgard <scim...@archlinux.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 04 Apr 2018 11:23:34 -0400
> Jordan Glover via aur-general aur-general@archlinux.org wrote:
> > I'm sorry for the harsh words. If those requests were made AFTER update 
> > package
> > 
> > in repo there won't be this conversation. I found situation where killing 
> > other people
> > 
> > efforts to make things work, unacceptable without providing an alternative. 
> > Common
> > 
> > sense should prevail the rules.
> > 
> > Jordan
> Common sense tells me that if we allow people to upload newer packages just
> because the repo package is out of date, the AUR will be an even bigger mess
> than it already is. Everyone will be uploading packages a few hours after
> upstream releases updates, and of course they will just abandon them instead 
> of
> having them deleted. The rules are in place for a reason.
> Doug

Please be specific. We aren't talking about hours and bumping package version.
Common sense can be used to know when taking action will make people worse-off.
The package was managed so efficiently that even upstream benefited from it.
Archlinux maintainer dosen't have to do anything else than copy-paste existing
PKGBUILD. All work and testing is already done.


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