At 10:58 AM 4/06/02 CST, you wrote:
>       I TOTALLY agree.
>       I am trying to discipline myself (not an easy thing to do !) to 
>monitor the area freq. instead of 122.7 or 9 when X/C soaring.    My recent 
>training in power flying has shown me the other side of the coin with 
>respect to airspace use.  I think glider pilots must come to grips with the 
>fact that we share the airspace with lots of things and that monitoring the 
>area freq. is another tool to minimize to chance of a coming-together 
>(combined with good airmanship/lookout/see-and be-seen.)

Actually there won't be an area frequency when the NAS is implemented.
That's how it is done in the USA. There will be CTAF's and Unicom's so if
you are near an aerodrome that is the thing to monitor. Otherwise the plan
is to monitor 121.5 while en route and keep your head up and looking out.
It is amazing how well this works when you KNOW there is unheard traffic
out there.

Remarkable isn't it how a little exposure to a professional training system
opens your eyes to what's really going on?

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