I agree that this accident appears to have been inevitable given the chain
of circumstances and that duplicate inspection would not really have played
any part in the outcome.


My point is that some of the comments on this forum are suggesting that
duplicate inspections are a bad idea because they carry the risk of
litigation, which I find to be an unfortunate indictment on a modern way of
thinking. A little like the situation where a doctor happens to be on hand
to provide life saving skills at an accident scene, but walks away leaving
the unfortunate victim to die because of the fear of being sued.   


I think that it should be fairly obvious that anybody rigging or performing
duplicate checking of a glider should have some knowledge of that gliders
particular control and structural connections. If they don't they should get
advice from someone who does, or is able to correctly interpret the gliders
operating manual.  The function of the duplicate inspector should be to go
through all control and structural connections and also check correct sense
of controls. If they find anything that concerns them they should bring that
to the attention on the person who rigged and initially inspected the









From: aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net
[mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of Jarek
Sent: Monday, 16 May 2011 8:39 PM
To: 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Foka incident




This definitely correct as long as both the person who is responsible for
rigging the glider and and the one that does second inspection has some
knowledge / experience with the glider in question. In this instance,
according to the report, no one involved in rigging the Foka before the
accident, had any experience to speak of with this aircraft type. 


The other important aspect of the accident is the role of a modified,
unauthorized rigging tool. Had the original non-cranked T-wrench was used,
they would not  be able to engage the lower bevel bolt partially using the
hand force alone.  





It is absolutely clear that a second inspection will significantly  reduce
the risk of a mistake.



John Parncutt





From: aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net
[mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of Geoff
Sent: Monday, 16 May 2011 5:31 PM
To: p...@kurstjens.com; Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in
Australia.; 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Foka incident



I totally support your sentiments.  Additionally, on several occasions I
have deliberately left a rigging item "undone" in full view and on three
occasions the error was not discovered by the second "inspector" who I might
add were all pilots with many years experience. They all would have signed
off the DI if I hadn't then intervened.  >From my viewpoint there is no
substitute for doing the inspection properly yourself and taking full and
sole responsibility for that. 


Geoff V

At 04:56 PM 16/05/2011, Pam Kurstjens wrote:

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Content-Language: en-au

Anyone who countersigns somebody else's rigging is nuts.  Unless they have
observed and checked it every inch of the way, fully understand the glider
type they are signing off for, AND are willing to accept liability.
Why do we expose our fellow glider pilots to this enormous burden of
From: aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net [
mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of Matthew Gage
Sent: Monday, 16 May 2011 2:01 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Foka incident
Rolf, in this I agree with Mike - there is no way that a duplicate control
check (or even DI) would have found the problem. Sadly, such a person would
have spent months in court defending themselves, costing them many thousands
with no prospect of any insurance helping them.
In practice, the UK do have a 2nd inspection - just with no signature. The
accident report even says this was done !
Is it the check that improves safety or the signature ????
On 16/05/2011, at 13:35 , rolf a. buelter wrote:

Yea, way more important to cover your ass against litigation then document a
second chance to get it right!
Allays your miserable Mr. Buelter
> Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 10:54:25 +1000
> To: aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net
> From: mborg...@borgeltinstruments.com
> Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Foka incident
> Lots of lessons in the Foka crash.
> One big one is how fortunate it was the BGA and there was no second 
> sigmnature on the DI after rigging.
> Mike
> Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments since
> phone Int'l + 61 746 355784
> fax Int'l + 61 746 358796
> cellphone Int'l + 61 428 355784
> email: mborg...@borgeltinstruments.com
> website: www.borgeltinstruments.com 
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