On 07/18/2017 08:25 AM, Geoff Clare wrote:
> Eric Blake <ebl...@redhat.com> wrote, on 18 Jul 2017:
>> On 07/18/2017 04:48 AM, Geoff Clare wrote:
>>> On page 2398 line 76737 section 2.14 exec, add to EXAMPLES:
>>>     Execute the implementation's <i>printf</i> utility, ensuring that any
>>>     shell built-in version is not executed instead, and using a subshell
>>>     so that the shell continues afterwards:
>>>     <tt>(exec printf '%g\n' "$float_value")</tt>
>> The standard does not require printf %g to work
> That was exactly my reason for choosing that example.  The idea is
> that if you are going to rely on implementation-defined behaviour,
> then always using the external printf utility means you are only
> dependent on whether that version of printf supports %g; you don't
> care whether or not the various shells that might be used to run
> the script also support it in their built-in version.

Fair enough, although the wording could make that obvious, perhaps as:

An application that is not concerned with strict conformance can ensure
the use of an implementation's extension behavior of %g within the
<i>printf</i> utility, by ensuring that any shell built-in version is
not executed instead, and using a subshell so that the shell continues

> (The alternative of using #! to specify the shell to be used isn't
> as reliable because any user can use "xyzsh scriptname" to run the
> script using a different shell.)

I wonder if it is worth noting that you can also use 'env printf'
instead of '(exec printf)' to get the same PATH lookup properties of
bypassing a shell builtin.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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