Robert Elz <> wrote, on 10 Aug 2018:
> But given the way that the text is written (lines 74994-5):
>       It is only field splitting or pathname expansion that can create 
> multiple
>       fields from a single word. The single exception...
> it is really hard to read it as "0 is permitted", rather it looks (at least to
> me) as if it means one in, one (and in the two cases, plus the exception, "or 
> more") out.
> The proposed text in 1193, while different, leads to the same colclusion
> (to me anyway) ...
>       The shell shall create multiple fields from a single word only as a
>       result of field splitting, pathname expansion, or the following cases   
> again, to me, that means one in, one (or more when permitted) out.

Okay, that seems like a valid point.  Wouldn't simply changing
"multiple fields" to "multiple fields or no fields" solve it?
I will make that change to the note in bug 1193.

I'm afraid I won't be able to contribute to this discussion further,
as I'll be finishing for the day soon and I'm away for a week from

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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