Date:        Thu, 26 Mar 2020 09:11:16 +0000
    From:        Geoff Clare <>
    Message-ID:  <20200326091116.GB22632@lt2.masqnet>

  | Given that implementations differ, we should probably make the
  | behaviour explicitly unspecified.

I'd agree with that - it isn't as though it really matters except to
people looking for obscure things to test - the \d form of "anything
can be the delimiter" in practice is used with delims like ! or | or
; (etc) - not with alphas (though \x I have seen on occasion) and
certainly not with the chars where \x in other places means something
different from x (or an escaped x).

Making it unspecified seems like a reasonable think to do, even if the
GNU people do decide that their \n behaviour is a bug.


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