Please ignore, superseded by subsequent discussion.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Schwarz, Konrad (CT RDA IOT SES-DE) <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 10:18
> To: Robert Elz <>
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: aliases in command substitutions
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Robert Elz <>
> > Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 15:35
> > To: Schwarz, Konrad (CT RDA IOT SES-DE) <>
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: aliases in command substitutions
> >
> >     Date:        Mon, 20 Apr 2020 07:12:03 +0000
> >     From:        "Schwarz, Konrad" <>
> >     Message-ID:  <>
> >
> >   | Not sure if I understand your problem,
> >
> > I suspect probably not.
> >
> >   | but I've always understood the
> >   | case xxx in
> >   | (pattern) ...;;
> >   |                 esac
> >   |
> >   | (fully parenthesized pattern) syntax to have been invented precisely
> >   | to allow case statements in $() subshell notation,
> >
> > First, $() is command substitution, not a subshell (not really
> > important) and if that was someone's intent, they did a particularly
> > bad job of implementing it, as what the standard says is (XCU 2.6.3)
> >
> >     With the $(command) form, all characters following the open
> >     parenthesis to the matching closing parenthesis constitute the
> >     command. Any valid shell script can be used for command, except a
> >     script consisting solely of redirections which produces unspecified
> >     results.
> >
> > Note the "any valid shell script" (with that one exception) - a valid shell 
> > script certainly includes a case statement where the optional
> '('
> > is omitted.
> Note the "matching closing parentheses", which means _lexical_ matching, 
> i.e., counting the number of open and closing parentheses
> in the source text.
> >
> > My guess has always been that the '(' was invented as a sop to
> > parenthese balancing editors - to make it possible for those things to 
> > assist with
> > balancing parentheses.   But that's mere speculation, I wasn't around at
> > the time.  A workaround for broken shells is another possibility.
> What makes more sense: that it was invented for interactive editing (but the 
> line oriented structure of the shell makes this a non-
> issue -- it is visually clear where a case statement starts and ends, and 
> also, at top level, so 99% of uses, the case statement is not
> enclosed in parentheses, so there is nothing for the editor to skip over) or 
> to make it possible for the $() form of command
> substitution to include case statements without requiring full parsing of the 
> contents of the $()?
> Note that the original form, in backticks, was purely lexical as well, but 
> the rules were convoluted (ad hoc) and the Bourne shell was
> broken in regards to nested command substitution anyway?  The $() notation 
> was invented precisely to make it easy to use nested
> command substitutions and was defined in such a way as to allow for simple 
> lexical scanning (count opening and closing parentheses)
> to determine its end.
> [snippng the rest of the message]
>  I think you are on a completely wrong tangent: there is no need for subshell 
> parsing to occur when looking for the end of command
> substation; this is purely lexical scanning.

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