shwaresyst <> wrote:

> No, those are attempts at speed optimizations; the description before the 
> numbered list of XCU 2.3 has line delimiting comes first as the logical model 
> to determine tokenizing mode. This is continued in list items 4. and 5., that 
> substitutions shall not occur during recognition.
> This makes it a requirement that a secondary pass, as the logical model, may 
> be necessary to fully evaluate a token according to the grammar that applies 
> for determining whether an alias name should be looked up. This model takes 
> into account the result of a substitution may need to be classified as an 
> assignment word or redirection when the grammar says a command prefix or 
> keyword is the legal tokens, not a command or alias name only.

This is not correct.

When David Korn introduced $(cmd), he did obviously first believe that parsing 
the string inside $(...) could be done at lexical level, but this does not work.
For this reason, it is important to do alias expansion already when just tring 
to find the closing ')' that matches '$('.


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