
On 06/05/12 17:36, dodo wrote:
>> Patch4 should fix the Bug #993 as well.
> this only "fixes" the bug because you removed the 'return' from
> 'return perform_action(shownitems[current_item])' :P
> perform_action should return false instead of true in case it found a
> command to execute, since awful.prompt handles hiding and executing
> commands on its own.
> i attached a patch that shows better what i mean :)

I see. Well, I thought that my change will make the Return key handled
the same as Escape key. And what about traversing the categories? Will
not the awful.util.spawn break this feature, because awful.util.spawn
will be executed whenever we press enter (IIUC?), whereas when we press
enter to see the category contents, we really do not want this to be
handled by awful.util.spawn.

Hope my thinking is right. Tell me what you think. Otherwise, I admit
that this patch is much better in terms how the things are handled.

All best,
Ignas A.

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