I have just discovered that the behavior is more complex than just treating any click as mod4+button1 : Inkscape jumps between screens, but not within a single screen. If I reduce my setup to only one screen, there is no problem. Let me explain this better :

I have 2 screens, both showing their first tag, using the layout awful.layout.suit.tile. I have a bunch on xterms on each screen. I open inskape on screen 1, it starts maximized even though I have the rule

    { rule = { class = "Inkscape" },
properties = {maximized_horizontal = false, maximized_vertical = false } },

With mod4+button1, I can drag it around screen1 and make it jump between the possible positions in the tiling scheme, I can also drag it over to screen 2 in a controlled way.

If I left click on inkscape and drag towards screen 2 (nothing should happen), then it immediately jumps to screen2, without going through available positition within the tiling scheme of screen 1. I can not drag it around screen 2 either, all I can do is make it it go back to its initial position on screen 1 if I drag the mouse in the other direction.

Do you guys have multiple screens?

On 2015-09-29 15:40, Maxwell Anselm wrote:
No problem here either, with the same versions as lilydjwg.

My config

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 9:31 AM, lilydjwg <lilyd...@gmail.com <mailto:lilyd...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 11:54:03AM +0200, Szymon Hennel wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I have the same issue, so it's unlikely to be an error in your
    > Left-Clicking and dragging on any pixel that does not belong to
    the document
    > or to a button is interpreted as mod4+button1.

    I don't have the issue. It works quite well for me. Here's my config:


    awesome 3.5.6-2
    inkscape 0.91-9

    Best regards,

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