On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 12:09 AM, martin f krafft <madd...@madduck.net> wrote:
> also sprach Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> [2012.08.27.2326 +0200]:
>> The only setting I can see that relates to this would be
>> PartialAgeMax.  Are the retries happening before this expires?
>> Otherwise you'd have to poke though the code to see why it prefers the
>> previous full.
> This is a good idea, especially since I found in another log:
>   full backup started for directory /; updating partial #91
> I will investigate this and get back to you.
> Why would I not want to build upon a partial backup older than
> 3 days?

Not sure about the reasoning there, but I think that incomplete
backups are only kept if there are more files than the previous
partial.  If you haven't succeeded in getting a better partial in some
amount of time it might be better to throw the old one away and start
from scratch.   In the case of a fast network and a very large number
of files, the comparison will take longer than a transfer from

The ClientTimeout setting may be your real issue though.  A running
backup should never time out as long as anything is transferring, even
if it takes days to complete but with rsync that value can be for the
whole backup.    I'd try raising it a lot and trying to catch up over
a weekend.

   Les Mikesell

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