
much has been said in this thread, but I believe this has not:
You do realize that BackupPC 4.x is alpha software, right? You're lucky if it
works at all, you should be surprised if it performs well, and you're not
using it in a production environment anyway, right? Ok, the reality might not
be quite as bad, but you need to be aware that version 4 is not a newer
version 3 with some improvements, it is basically a re-write with a whole new
concept behind it.

If you are looking for something stable, I'd recommend BackupPC 3.x, which
you'll undoubtedly also get more and better support for here, if you even
need it. And yes, it *will* be slower than native rsync.

For me (and, I believe, for many others), version 3 (and even version 2!) works
so well that there is no reason to move to version 4.

Hope that helps.


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