On 28/10/16 01:54 PM, Nick Bright wrote:
Anybody running v4 with stats similar to this:

There are 21 hosts that have been backed up, for a total of:

  * 180 full backups of total size 8089.80GB (prior to pooling and
  * 96 incr backups of total size 290.16GB (prior to pooling and

  * Pool is 870.52GB comprising 11700700 files and 4182 directories
    (as of 10/28 03:30),
  * Pool hashing gives 656 repeated files with longest chain 26,

Those stats do seem a little... off, though; as the actual disk usage is 935GB.

I'm a bit late to this party, but:

 There are 112 hosts that have been backed up, for a total of:

955 full backups of total size 42574.34GiB (prior to pooling and compression), 977 incr backups of total size 57739.99GiB (prior to pooling and compression).

Pool is 7828.21GiB comprising 6227579 files and 16512 directories (as of 2016-11-17 04:02),
Pool hashing gives 0 repeated files with longest chain 0,

Disk space:
/dev/sdf         17T  9.0T  7.5T  55% /var/lib/backuppc

and inodes:

/dev/sdf         3.3G   19M  3.3G    1% /var/lib/backuppc

Backups on this system run within their windows, it's the write to a disk via Backuppc_tarCreate for offsite storage that's painful.

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