Guillermo Rozas wrote at about 22:37:09 -0300 on Wednesday, February 16, 2022:
 > >
 > > > Certainly, this would be more bandwidth-friendly if it was possible to
 > >  > do this compression before transferring to server, but I can't figure
 > >  > out how I could accomplish this.
 > > Presumably harder as it would require host-side code to do things
 > > such as running a patched host version of rsync (or other transfer
 > > method executable)
 > >
 > I think you can achieve this by running a wrapper script on the client and
 > tying its execution to the BackupPC key. The steps would be:
 > - generate a key to use by the rsync/ssh connection from BackupPC and
 > nothing else (you should do this for security reasons anyway)
 > - on the client's authorized_keys file, use the "command" option to execute
 > a script every time a connection from this key is made. This command will
 > run instead of the rsync command BackupPC wants to run, and the latter will
 > be saved in the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND variable
 > - in this script, pipe in some way your compression process into the rsync
 > command sent originally by BackupPC
 > This is the method the rrsync [1] script uses to restrict rsync to a
 > certain folder and options (I'm actually using a modified version of it
 > with BackupPC). The hard part is to figure out the third point above...

To do what you are suggesting, you don't need to play with the
authorized_key file... you can just set Conf{RsyncClientPath} to
whatever new version of rsync you have written.

But I really don't see how your suggestion solves anything...

Unless you want to re-write the guts of rsync on the client side
(similar to what Craig has done with rsync_bpc on the server side, I
don't see how you can pre-process files on the client side.

Even if you did somehow pre-compress files and pipe them onto the
client side rsync, you would probably break the ability for rsync to
tell changed files based on stat'ing the file size...

Unless I am missing something...

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