>>>>> On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 11:51:14 -0500, Troy Kocher said:
> Truncated job log:
> 08-Oct 09:11 kfoobarb-dir JobId 2858: Start Backup JobId 2858, 
> Job=foobar_Backup.2011-10-08_08.00.01_01 

> 08-Oct 09:11 kfoobarb-dir JobId 2858: Using Device "kfoobarbpool" 
08-Oct 09:10 jailhost-fd JobId 2858: DIR and FD clocks differ by -29 
> seconds, FD automatically compensating. 
08-Oct 09:11 kfoobarb-dir JobId 2858: Sending Accurate information. 
08-Oct 09:11 kfoobarb-sd JobId 2858: Volume "foobarF-0011" previously 
> written, moving to end of data. 

> 08-Oct 09:11 kfoobarb-sd JobId 2858: Ready to append to end of Volume 
> "foobarF-0011" size=10310000166 
> 08-Oct 23:48 jailhost-fd JobId 2858: /mnt/foobar/usr/home/ltartmp is a 
> different filesystem. Will not descend from /mnt/foobar/usr into 
> /mnt/foobar/usr/home/ltartmp 
08-Oct 23:48 jailhost-fd JobId 2858: /mnt/foobar/usr/home/ltlclerk is a 
> different filesystem. Will not descend from /mnt/foobar/usr into 
> /mnt/foobar/usr/home/ltlclerk 
08-Oct 23:48 jailhost-fd JobId 2858: /mnt/foobar/usr/home/tester is a 
> different filesystem. Will not descend from /mnt/foobar/usr into 
> /mnt/foobar/usr/home/tester 

> 08-Oct 23:48 jailhost-fd JobId 2858: /mnt/foobar/usr/home/purchasing is a 
> different filesystem. Will not descend from /mnt/foobar/usr into 
> /mnt/foobar/usr/home/purchasing 
08-Oct 23:48 jailhost-fd JobId 2858: /mnt/foobar/usr/home/whsebol is a 
> different filesystem. Will not descend from /mnt/foobar/usr into 
> /mnt/foobar/usr/home/whsebol 

> 08-Oct 23:48 jailhost-fd JobId 2858: /mnt/foobar/usr/home/sysview is a 
> different filesystem. Will not descend from /mnt/foobar/usr into 
> /mnt/foobar/usr/home/sysview 
08-Oct 23:48 jailhost-fd JobId 2858: /mnt/foobar/usr/home/rtessier is a 
> different filesystem. Will not descend from /mnt/foobar/usr into 
> /mnt/foobar/usr/home/rtessier 
08-Oct 23:48 jailhost-fd JobId 2858: /mnt/foobar/usr/home2 is a different 
> filesystem. Will not descend from /mnt/foobar/usr into /mnt/foobar/usr/home2 

> 08-Oct 23:57 kfoobarb-sd JobId 2858: Job write elapsed time = 14:45:49, 
> Transfer rate = 2.702 M Bytes/second 

Are you running an automounter for home directories?  That could explain both
the "Will not descend" messages and also why the warnings vary over time.


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